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The Who, What and Why…

by Sep 4, 2016Uncategorized0 comments

Perhaps you have never met me, or if you have… within this next minute you can learn what drives me.

The answer is in helping others become their best, as I continue on my own journey of becoming the best person, husband, father, friend, mentor, coach, motivator and business person I can be.

My journey is to inspire other people to reach for their stars, and find the opportunity in every situation.

To help them discover an internal drive to push past their fears and apprehensions… and become the very best of themselves.

I have a clear determination to help others find belief when they need it most, in times when they feel the tide is against them.

There are times we all face our darkest hours and moments of failure and consequence.

When people are struggling they can often lose faith in what they can achieve and who they can become.

I my aim is to change that!

A life like mine has been full of twists and turns like everyone experiences…

What truly drives me is the responsibility to improve… and to ‘Get Back Up and Go Again’ to repair the attempts that have held me back in the past and help others believe in what is possible.

After all, life is a blessing and we are all here for a clear purpose.

Someone made space for me and it is my obligation to bring out my best and help other people in this world.

Life has an unknown adventure for us all, and I choose to live it with momentum and excited anticipation.

We can’t go back in time but we can go forward with integrity and pride.

As I look at everything around me, I have the humility to be extremely grateful for the people and the things within my reach.

To step up and to give back – is my calling and my future.

Other people’s lives DO matter and it is what constantly drives me forward…come join me and live this life to the fullest.

Scott Anthony