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Only You

Only You

Transcription: Don’t be scared to be seen, don’t let fear write your story. Don’t believe the voices that say, “You’ll never be good enough.”. Don’t believe the voices that say, “You are not enough.”. Don’t...

How we change lives

Every child, no matter how old our bodies, has a super bright future ahead. Certainly others will surely try to compress and conform them, But the key to finding the happy space to let them flourish and maintain your own sanity is to show them ‘Their...

Strangers Rock!

Remember when we were kids, we were always told not to talk to strangers… But as an adult, strangers actually hold the keys to helping us grow from where and who we are to who and where we want to go or become. It is a strange way the touch of a stranger and the...

THEY lied to You

WARNING! They LIED to Us All! I am soon to be doing a video on a topic that is super close to my heart and frustrated me for years and I wanted to share it with you today… As I believe they lied you too… You need to know how a ( ‘ ) and a  ( space )...

The Hesitating Mindset.

Every person with red blood and a heartbeat, has times of both fears and victories. Because we each have a tendency to hold back from what we really want to do for fear and limiting beliefs of what other people may think and say… most people never reveal their...