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Yup. Grew up with negative people  all around and always  putting me down.

I learned to look at everything with positive perspective. Ie: a car crash.

..No one died … but they were going to.. and it was going to be them or you…

…but as luck and karma would have it .. it turned out to be just a bingle and not a tragedy…

…unlike someone else today who got a text saying they lost someone …

So lucky us …

When anxiety and stress come to sit with me .. I decided long ago to look at the situation..

…then imagine it ten times worse than it was…

…then look at it as it is… and find the fortune and opportunity in every situation.

But it is not always easy.. unless you decide it to be…

…and then tell yourself outloud and others too, that it is…

It is never automatic.. it is always a decision..

The human brain wants to bring up all negative until we decide to not let it.

We have to take control and this is exactly how I do it.

When shit happens I just look at how shocking it could have been and then am grateful it is only as it is – and not as it could have been…

…like it has been for others that day.

By taking control of the HOW we decide to look at things… puts the power right back at our feet…

…and we can say the glass is half empty…

…Or we can say the glass is half full…

But I say BullShit!…

…I say I’ll always find a new glass and ….

I can always keep re-filling it…

…and so can you!

I hope that perspective of mine helps you and others today my friends.

Happy days are the ones we choose .. the bad ones are the ones we accept